de Lasteyrie Jean-Charles

Jean-Charles de Lasteyrie is a founding partner of Ricol Lasteyrie.

He has held numerous positions of responsibility within French and international professional bodies and associations. In particular, he has been France’s representative on the IIRC (International Integrated Reporting Council), a member and vice-chairman of Accountancy Europe, which brings together the professional federations of 35 European countries, a founder member and chairman of the Association Professionnelle des Experts Indépendants (APEI), and a member of the Société Française des Évaluateurs (SFEV), member of the board of the Compagnie Nationale des Experts Judiciaires en Finance et Diagnostic (CNEJFD), member of the Conseil Supérieur de l’Ordre des Experts Comptables, General Reporter for the 2004 congress of the Ordre des Experts Comptables, Chairman of the Club Fiscal de l’Ordre des Experts Comptables, General Reporter for the Asmep evaluation commission.

Within Ricol Lasteyrie, he is in charge of crisis management and financial expertise. He is a graduate of ESCP, holds a doctorate in tax law, and is a qualified chartered accountant and statutory auditor. He is also a financial consultant and expert, and a court-appointed expert at the Paris Court of Appeal.

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