Cailliau Dedouit & Associés

I – Characteristics of our firm
Founded in 1951, the firm is an independent audit and financial expertise firm, characterised by a culture of excellence, attentiveness and ethics, as well as strict compliance with the rules of professional conduct and independence.

One of the 10 largest firms in France in terms of the number of mandates held with companies issuing securities to the public.

A firm that is totally independent of any French or international network, whose capital is wholly owned by its partners who are individuals.

More than 250 mandates in French companies in industry, finance, distribution and services.

The firm and 6 of its partners are legal experts in the fields of accounting, finance, IT and business diagnostics, a unique and exceptional position, guaranteeing a high degree of technicality, rigour and skill in the conduct of our assignments.
II- Nature of our assignments
The main purpose of our firm is to provide opinions, assistance and advice.

The assignments carried out by the firm mainly cover: statutory audit, contribution and merger audit, business valuations and assignments relating to internal control and risk assessment.

At the same time, our firm has developed recognised expertise and skills in a variety of fields.
III- Teams
The firm’s team of partners consists of :

Jean-Jacques DEDOUIT, Stéphane LIPSKI, Didier CARDON, Isabelle de KERVILER,
Rémi SAVOURNIN, Laurent BRUN, Mohcine BENKIRANE and Sandrine LE MAO.

The firm’s policy is based first and foremost on the provision of high-quality services, in order to offer our clients a high level of professional service.

To this end, the partners are heavily involved in professional technical bodies and the staff, all of whom are graduates of the Grandes Ecoles or universities, receive in-depth ongoing training.

Each member of the firm specialises in a particular area, but is not restricted to a specific field, so that we can be open to all areas of expertise.