Exco Paris Ace is a member of the Exco network (131 offices throughout France) and the international Kreston network (740 offices in 120 countries).
For almost a year now, Exco Paris Ace and Exco Paris Nexiom, the two Parisian law firms in the Exco network, have been pooling their expertise. Today, there are 9 partners and more than 100 professionals at the service of the business world.
To support companies in France and abroad, Exco Paris Ace’s expertise is based on four main areas:
• Audit (listed and family-owned groups, small and medium-sized businesses, etc.),
• Assessment,
• Expertise and advice,
• Risks and litigation (Forensics),
In the area of valuation, Exco Paris Ace is involved in equity transactions and company disposals or mergers. It contributes its expertise to the valuation of business divisions or individual assets, and participates in the fair value measurement of assets, the accounting treatment of business combinations (purchase price allocation) and the impairment of long-term assets (impairment tests) under IFRS.
Exco Paris Ace is also involved in capital market transactions of all sizes, and in particular in merger and asset contribution audits appointed by the commercial courts or unanimously by the shareholders.
Exco Paris Ace and its partners have been involved in legal transactions relating to groups such as Bolloré, Vivendi, Technicolor, Cristal Union and Impala, and in particular in the SFR / Numéricable, Altaréa Cogedim / Groupe Daniel Féau and Reworld Media / Mondadori mergers.
Exco Paris Ace is a member of the Compagnie des Conseils et Experts Financiers (CCEF), a member of the Executive Committee of Public Interest Entities (DEIP) of the Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes (CNCC) and is registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB).
To carry out its missions, Exco Paris is committed to an organisation built around :
• the immediate mobilisation of the expertise required
• the confidentiality and independence of the teams
• ongoing interactivity between its customers and stakeholders